
The project will produce short articles detailing its research and activities.

Strong Manly Verse and Womanish Tenderness: Aphra Behn's Poetics in Praise

| Florian Klaeger

In her commendatory poem for Thomas Creech, Aphra Behn offers a purposefully paradoxical poetics of scientific poetry.

Jane Cavendish: A Compound Christmas Dish

| Cassie Gorman

Across her poems, Jane Cavendish shows a fascination with medical and culinary knowledge – much of it drawn from domestic sources – in the making of chemical conceits that bring about change.

Mary Chudleigh View of the Entire Universe

| Kevin Killeen

Mary Chudleigh’s The Song of the Three Children Paraphras’d is a long poem, over 2000 lines, that turns and turns again to different biblical moments.