‘Women’s Scientific Verse’. Postdoctoral research fellow
Deadline - 19th July
We are seeking a Postdoctoral researcher to assist in the AHRC-DFG funded project, ‘Scientific Poetry and Poetics in Britain and Germany, from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment (1580-1750)’. The position will be funded for 10 months, with a proposed start date of 1 October 2024.
The project – an Anglo-German collaboration – explores early modern natural philosophical poetry, with the aim of bringing unknown texts to light and showing how poetic writing was central to the practice and communication of scientific knowledge.
You will work with Dr Cassie Gorman (project Co-I) to support workstream 2, ‘Women’s Scientific Verse’. This workstream explores a substantial body of lesser-known, marginal or unpublished work by early modern women, much of it composed in and for manuscript, which engages knowingly and creatively with natural philosophical ideas. With the Co-I, you will conduct archival research, transcribe texts, work towards producing critical editions and help to maintain the project website. With support from the research team, you will help to organise a conference and attend other project events and group meetings. You will need to have a degree plus PhD (or near completion) and will engage in independent research on a topic related to the project.
Informal enquiries can be made to Dr Cassie Gorman, Associate Professor of Early Modern Literature and Philosophy, at cassie.gorman@aru.ac.uk